God Is Going To Use You To Do Great Things

God is going to use you to do great things. For some, it will mean writing a bestselling book that changes the lives of people all over the world. For some, it will mean writing songs that will be used in churches every Sunday and leading sold-out crowds in inspiring times of worship. For some,Continue reading “God Is Going To Use You To Do Great Things”

It Will Never Be Enough

You know that voice in your head? The voice that says you are not good enough. The voice that makes you feel guilty for not praying enough. The voice that makes you feel bad for not reading the Bible enough. The voice that tells you that no matter what you do, it will never beContinue reading “It Will Never Be Enough”

Possibilities & Potential

Is there anything that has more potential than a blank sheet of paper? Before a crease is ever folded, before a line is ever drawn, before a letter is ever written…there is no limit to what a blank sheet of paper can be used for. The same sheet of paper that an artist’s masterpiece isContinue reading “Possibilities & Potential”

I Found Jesus In The Bathroom At Work

This is in our bathroom at work, right in front of the toilet.  Nothing like trying to do your business with Jesus staring at you from next to the cross.  While I can see how it could cause some “stage fright,” I like to look at it as a reminder that no matter how crappyContinue reading “I Found Jesus In The Bathroom At Work”