The Choir – “How I Wish I Knew”

“How I Wish I Knew” by The Choir (Click On Album Cover To Play Song) I think most of us have felt this way at one time or another. It’s hard to see someone you love be down and struggling and it can be frustrating when you see the beauty and potential in them that theyContinue reading “The Choir – “How I Wish I Knew””

No One Can Take Your Place

“Don’t you see how impossible it is that anyone should ever take your place? Don’t you see that you have a place in the world – a place that is yours because God put you in it, just as truly as He put the mountains, the seas, the stars in their places? And don’t you see why you must feel that you have a right to your own life-place, and that you must hold it, no matter what others say, or do, or think, because of its great value to God and to the world?”

Harold Bell Wright – “The Calling Of Dan Matthews”

That’s Exactly How I Would Have Described It

Best meteor description ever?  You decide: “My friend and I witnessed a tremendous bright light, in the western sky. For a second the object lit the Cedar Valley sky like it was day. Then a brilliant streak of light followed. It was like a slow moving lighting, similar to an enormous magnesium flare. This lastedContinue reading “That’s Exactly How I Would Have Described It”